If You Missed The Summer To List Your House, Get Your House Ready To List In January  

While it’s true that the housing market is a year-round industry, there are strategic times to list where you’ll get more attention from buyers. Summer is a great time for various reasons — nicer weather, longer days, etc. — but it’s not the only time.  

It might not even be the best time, honestly, with buyers going on vacation and whatnot.  

So, if you missed the summer to list your house, get your house ready to list in January.  

A new year works wonders for people in a lot of ways. Homebuying is affected by that ‘new year, new you’ mentality. Like how people set resolutions for the new year, plenty of buyers plan their strategies for after the holidays are over.  

So, get ready to clean those closets and paint those rooms you have always wanted to. Make plans to declutter every inch of your house (garages and attics included) so you can put your best foot forward come the new year. Start visualizing how you would like people to experience your home so you can figure out how to stage it correctly. 

But before you do any of that, contact a realtor first, if you haven’t already. Now is the perfect time to find a realtor who can help you figure out what you should and should not do to your house before listing it. Because not all improvements you make are necessarily good for selling. For instance, adding a new carpet or redoing a bathroom may make you think your house looks light years better than it has in the past, but it might not truly add any value to your home in the eyes of a buyer. 


Before you rush into anything, contact an experienced realtor like the Kim Cassidy Real Estate Team who can help you focus your energies on the projects that will actually put more money in your pocket when the house is finally up on the market.  


Contact us at https://kimcassidyteam.com/contact-form/ to learn more about how we can help.